What do the Ribeirinhos eat?

  Other than rice, beans and fish, the Amazon natives also eat various vegetables, seeds and other fruits they come across in the forest. Their diet revolves mainly around fishing, hunting, and family agriculture. It might seem repetitive, but a lot of their diet varies depending on the season – mangos only ripe at a […]

Animals and everyday life in the forest

  In the Amazon, biodiversity is high and the natives have learnt to live with the plethora of animal species that dwell in the forest, so much so that they’re now used to amazing close encounters. Insects are habitual guests in native households! Stick insects, butterflies and mantises are frequently found in the house – […]

Everyday life at Xixuaú

Many of you ask us what the daily activities of the inhabitants of the Amazon are, in particular what tasks are performed by the men and women of the villages of the RESEX Lower Rio Branco Jauaperi. In a such complex context, the main job for everyone is survival: men must hunt for food and […]